Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Elvis in the AM

Banana and peanut butter for breakfast...don't step on my blue suede slippers.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What's In YOUR Bathroom?

In MY bathroom I found: a pair of dirty jeans, a shirt, a fork, hot dog tongs, and a wolf mask.
What's in YOUR bathroom????

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Girls On Cultural Diversity

A conversation from the back seat...
Caylin: I wish we were Indian.  Then we'd have, like...culture and stuff.
Megan: Yeah, but where would we shop for clothes...T.J. Maxx????
Caylin: No.  Down the strip district.  They have beautiful fabric there.
Megan: Oh.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Safe Keeping

Mommy, I KNOW Caylin doesn't know where the brown plastic headband is.
Oh yeah, honey??  How do you know that??
Because I HID it.
(Snort.)  You DID?!?!  Where?
In my bin...under my bed.  She'll never find it there.
(10 minutes later...)  Okay, mommy.  I'm ready for school.
Well, Genny, you look very pretty.  (In Caylin's brown plastic headband...)
I know.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Decision Has Been Made...

I spent the morning with my sweet, sweet niece, Sarah (5), and her GRUMPY gal pal, Genny.  (My daughter...age 4.)  Well, the natives started getting restless so I decided to do a craft with them.  Pirate telescopes outta paper towel rolls.  Fun, right??  Not when a 4 year old is GRUMPY.  Grumpy Genny does NOT listen to directions and very does NOT think papertowel-roll-pirate-telescopes are a good idea.  Sarah had finally had enough with her sidekick's behavior and said, "Genny???  Why don't you listen to your mommy??  She IS a preschool teacher, ya know!!!"  Genny's response?  GENNY'S RESPONSE?!?!?  "Yeah?!?!  Well she's not a preschool teacher YET.  Her doesn't start until SEPTEMBER."

Wow.  Decision made.  I have been on the fence as to whether or not Genny girl is ready for Kindergarten in the fall.  If she repeats preschool she will be with ME in MY preschool.  After this morning's craft disaster??  GENNY!!!!!!  Hurry up!!!  Get your shoes on...the bus is coming!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Daughter, Megan On Nutrition

Mom?  If I have a piece of cookie cake for breakfast, does that count as having eggs?
No...no, Meg, it does not.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Frustration Is...

Frustration is mopping the entire floor with what you THOUGHT was a cup of spilled water, only to realize it was cranberry juice.  That was yesterday...the floor is STILL sticky.  Time to mop.  Again.  For the fourth time.